
UNC alum to UNC alum: Roy Cooper presents retiring newsman Bill Leslie with state's highest honor

North Carolina Gov. visited WRAL TV on Thursday to present departing news anchor Bill Leslie with a special honor. The state's chief executive presented Leslie with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine to recognize everything the anchor has done for North Carolina and its residents. Cooper surprised everyone when he showed up on the news set to present the honor. (


Side streets: Suggestions for Chapel Hill-Carrboro restaurants
Located at 107 N. Columbia St., Buns is just a short walk off campus. Patrons can either build their own burger — choosing between Angus...

Merritt's Store and Grill among concession stands at the 2024 US Open at Pinehurst No. 2
Known for its award-winning BLT sandwich, Merritt’s Store and Grill started as a Chapel Hill gas station in 1929. It's among the premier sandwich shops...

Remembering David Dansby Jr., first Black undergraduate to get their degree from UNC
In 1961, David Dansby Jr. and his fellow classmates dedicated themselves to the fight for desegregation in Chapel Hill. In May of that year, Dansby...

UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media wins 6th straight Hearst National Championship
The Hearst Journalism Awards Program, considered the Pulitzers of collegiate journalism, named UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media as the 2024 national champion in...

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